
BlueZone Web-to-Host

How to Control Where Your End User's Configuration Files Are Cached

File Cache Location Options - Click here to learn more about this feature

By default, BlueZone will cache certain files called BlueZone Program Files, in a location based on the End User's Windows Temp variable.  This location is called the BlueZone Temp Directory.

It is possible to change this location to either the End User's Application Data directory, or the All Users Application Data directory.

What is the benefit of this feature?

Some of our Customer's have a requirement that the End User's "temp" folder is automatically deleted each day causing the End User to have to download BlueZone each day.  Changing the BlueZone Cache Directory to use the Application Data location will prevent this from happening.

Also, in the case where multiple users share the same physical machine, it may be desired to use the All Users Application Data setting instead.  This way all End Users will share one common set of BlueZone files.  If you want each End User to use and maintain His or Her own set of BlueZone files, then use the Application Data setting.

This is an Advanced Global Level Feature.

The default setting is "Temp".  To change this setting from the default, select the desired setting form the Cache Files In listbox shown below.