
BlueZone Web-to-Host

BlueZone Licensing

BlueZone Software Activation Feature

Starting with BlueZone version 3.1, SEAGULL has implemented a new method for the controlling of BlueZone Licenses.

NOTE to Existing BlueZone Customers  The new Software Activation Feature is currently not required to be used by existing BlueZone Customers who purchased BlueZone before version 3.1.  If you are a pre-3.1 Customer, no change is needed at this time.  You can continue to use the current BlueZone licensing scheme.  The previous and the new licensing schemes are compatible.

The new licensing method requires the use of a SEAGULL Activation File or “SAF”.  This file will be necessary in order to “activate” your BlueZone license.  Without a valid SAF file, BlueZone emulation sessions will launch, but will not be able to connect to a host.

Important! A SAF file is need for both evaluations and licensed installations of BlueZone Web-to-Host.

Related Topics:

How to Manually Install the SEAGULL Activation File

How To Configure the License Manager IP Address

How to Lock the License Manager Address