After installation, BlueZone programs can be executed by double-clicking the left mouse button while holding the mouse pointer over the appropriate BlueZone desktop icon.
BlueZone may also be started from the BlueZone group in your Windows Start:Programs menu.
When a BlueZone program is started, the first session to load is labeled S1 for a display session, or P1 for a printer session. Each additional session launched is assigned the next available session number. This numbering scheme is also the order in which the Jump Screen feature selects the next session to show.
executed in the above fashion BlueZone will always start with the lowest
inactive session identifier (i.e., P1 first, then P2, etc.).
Once a single BlueZone Session is running, additional sessions may be loaded using the File:Open Session menu item located on the BlueZone MenuBar. Select the session type to launch from the slide out menu.
BlueZone can be configured to automatically launch multiple sessions during the startup of a configured master session. To enable Auto-launch, on the BlueZone MenuBar, go to File:Properties and enable the check boxes and select the session type for as many as four additional sessions. Command line switches may also be specified to launch certain sessions or use specific configuration files. See the Command Line Switch Reference in the Appendix for additional information about command line switches.
BlueZone sessions may be executed in any sequence by specifying the /Sx command-line switch, where x is the desired session identifier. For example, to execute session S5, right click the mouse while holding the mouse pointer over the BlueZone shortcut icon, then select Properties from the pop-up menu box. From the Properties sheet select the Shortcut page then append the command-line switch /S5 to the Target edit box string. See the Command Line Switch Reference in the Appendix for additional information about this and other BlueZone Command Line Switches.
BlueZone ships with a companion program called BlueZone Session Manager. It provides and easy to use interface to configure and launch multiple sessions. See the BlueZone Session Manager section of this help file for additional information.