The Transfer Options group is used to configure how files are sent and retrieved from the FTP server. From the BlueZone FTP MenuBar, select Transfer:Options. The Transfer Options property sheet will be displayed. Select the Options tab.
Transfer Mode ----
Auto: If selected, BlueZone FTP will look at the extension of the file, and compare it to the Auto Mode list to determine how a file will be transferred
ASCII: If selected, all files are always transferred as ASCII
Binary: If selected, all files are always transferred as Binary
EBCDIC: If selected, all files are always transferred as EBCDIC
None: If selected, all files are always transferred with no encoding
Double-Byte EBCDIC: If selected, all files are always transferred as Double-Byte EBCDIC
Double-Byte ASCII: If selected, all files are always transferred as Double-Byte ASCII
Overwrite File Options ----
This group is used to configure what happens when a downloaded file already exists on the PC.
Never Overwrite File: If selected, files on the PC side will never be overwritten by a file downloaded from the host if their filenames match
Ask to Overwrite File: If selected, the user will be prompted if a file should be overwritten during a download
Always Overwrite File: If selected, files on the PC side will always be overwritten by a file downloaded from the host if their filenames match
Overwrite Filename Case ----
Filenames to Lowercase: If selected, file names will be changed to lower case
Filenames to Uppercase: If selected, file names will be changed to upper case
Leave File Names Unchanged: If selected, file names will be unchanged
Close BlueZone FTP after transfer(s) completes: If checked, the BlueZone FTP application will automatically shut down completely after the last file transfer is complete
Receiving a File from the Host