You must edit the default open ID.
- Select the desired open ID.
- Click the Edit selected Open Id icon.
You can also double-click the desired open ID.
The Edit Connection Point (Open Id.) dialog opens.
- Edit the following information:
- Open Id.
- This required name is used to define a connection, IP Address
(see Virtual Destination) and Session Type (TIP, DEMAND, NMS, and
so on), to a host. This name is user-defined and can be anything
meaningful to the user.
The open ID name specified here has no
required relationship to the "$$OPEN open-id" required for non communications;
however, using the same name as required on the "$$OPEN open-id" for
non communications may be the best option when converting users to
TCP/IP. Using the same name will allow users to continue using familiar
$$OPEN statements.
The open ID name will be used by selected
routes for default session establishment.
Note: Just because a Route
is visually connected to an Open Id on the UTS Connection Configuration
dialog, it does not prevent the user from performing a $$OPEN to another
Open Id.
- Selected CMS Process or Telcon XEU
- Indicates the remote TSAP of a connection.
Rocket TE UTS uses
the CMS Process or Telcon XEU Name, along with the IP Address, to
link to a DEMAND or TIP session (or any other valid termination system).
If the Open Id connects to a virtual destination that has a Connect
Type of TP0 to HLC, or through DCP as IP Router, the Selected CMS Process or Telcon XEU is the PROCESS name in the
CMS1100 configuration.
Typical values are:
- CMS Process
- CSACSU for CMS1100 network administration
If the Open Id connects to a virtual destination that
has a Connect Type of TP0 to a DCP as a DCA TS, this is the name of an XEU statement in the Telcon configuration.
The XEU statements can indicate a connection to destinations on various
hosts and DCPs. The DCP destinations can include DCP/OS, TOMF, and
System 80, as well as more common ones like TIP and DEMAND.
- Manage Prcs/XEU
- Click to open the Manage CMS Process/Telcon XEU dialog. Edit the
following information:
- Add New
- Click to add a new CMS process or Telcon XEU.
- Rename Selected
- Click to rename the selected CMS process or Telcon XEU.
- Delete Selected
- Click to delete the CMS process or Telcon XEU.
- Available CMS Processes or Telcon XEUs
- Lists the available CMS processes or Telcon XEUs.
- App. Name
- This is the name of the application to be accessed when the session
is to TIPCSU or CSACSU. This name is the name of an APPLICATION statement
in the CMS1100 configuration (this field is only valid for PROCESS
TIPCSU and CSACSU — it is ignored for other PROCESSes and XEUs).
- Use SPSO Config.
- Select a configured SPSO from the drop-down menu.
- Manage SPSO
- Click to open the Manage Single Point SignOn (SPSO) Configurations
dialog. Edit the following information:
- Configuration name
- Type a name for the SPSO configuration.
- Authentication Mode
- Ticket Type
- Selected Virtual Destination
- Select a virtual destination from the drop-down list box to link
this connection point to a configured virtual destination. Selecting <None> disconnects the connection point from the virtual
- Available CMS Processes or Telcon XEUs
- Use the mouse to select from this list and change the Selected
CMS Process or Telcon XEU parameter.
- Session Type
- The controls in this group are only required if your site is using
the Unisys Single Point Sign-on feature.
- TIP: Select this option if the Open Id
will be used to access TIP sessions with the Single Point Sign-on
- Application Group Use TIP Session Control: Check this box if your site has TIP Session Control and you are
utilizing the Single Sign-On feature.
- Demand: Select this option if the Open
Id will be used to access DEMAND sessions utilizing the Single Point
Sign-on feature.
- Other: Select this option if the Open Id
will be used to access other session types utilizing the Single Point
Sign-on feature. Currently, the only other type supported is for
a console.
- Allow TEXTL
- Leave this check box selected unless access is set to a SYSTEM
- Special SITA Gabriel Handling
- Select this check box only if you are connecting to a SITA Gabriel
- Click OK to exit the dialog.