You can specify the data format options of the transferred
- Click .
- Click the Transfer tab.
- Click Fields.
- Select the data options that match the data in your file.
- In the Date Format menu, select
the appropriate option:
- In the Date Separator menu, select
the appropriate option:
Note: Not all of the following separators are available for
all of the date formats.
[] Blank
[,] Comma
[.] Period
[/] Slash
[-] Dash
- In the Time format menu, select
the appropriate option:
- In the Time Separator menu, select
the appropriate option:
Note: Not all of the following separators are available for
all of the time formats.
[] Blank
[,] Comma
[.] Period
[:] Colon
- In the Decimal Separator menu,
select the appropriate option:
- Click OK to save and close the Data
Options window.
- Click OK to save and close the Transfer
Setup window.