The Printer Device Selection and Setup dialog contains controls to equate an installed printer on the PC to a local printer name, use of a local print object, set special UTS print characteristics such as pass-through printing or assign Windows print settings.
Local Print Object Class Name: Type the name of the local print object class or click Browse to select the name from a list.
User Option
Selected Printer: Select a printer from this drop-down menu. This menu contains a list of all printers installed through Windows on your PC and a <Text file> option for directing printing to a text file on your PC. After you select a printer, the Paper size, source group displays at the bottom of the screen.
Use Pass-through Printing: If enabled, the local printer is used for pass-through printing.
Refer to Pass-through printing for more information on configuring pass-through printing.
Do not wrap print line: If enabled, long print lies are truncated rather than wrapped to the next line. The number of characters that are truncated or wrapped depends upon the font, font style, and font size selected for the printer and the page width chosen.
Font name: Select an installed font for printing.
Size: Set the font size that the text is printed.
Bold face: If enabled, the text is printed in bold face.
Character Set: Select the desired character set.
Portrait or Landscape: Select the desired page orientation.