Capturing Rocket TE traces

  1. Launch the appropriate Rocket TE Display or Printer emulator. Disconnect your session if necessary. You should always start your trace with your session disconnected.
  2. On the Rocket TE menu bar, click Session Configure.
  3. Click Properties.
  4. Click the Trace tab.
  5. In Trace Options, verify that only the Trace Sockets Interface and Trace RUI Interface boxes are checked.
    Note: Only check the Trace SSL Connection box if you are troubleshooting an SSL related issue.
  6. In the Trace File edit box, ensure that there is a valid path and trace file name for the trace data to be written to. You can use any file name you want. The file extension must be .trc.
    This must be a valid path or the trace feature does not work.
  7. In the Trace Viewer edit box, ensure that you have a valid path to a program that reads your trace file. Notepad or WordPad will work fine.
  8. Click Start Trace.
  9. Click OK twice.
  10. Connect your host session and perform any steps necessary to reproduce the problem or perform the particular function that you are tracing. Once this is accomplished, proceed to the next step.
  11. On the Rocket TE menu bar, click Session Configure.
  12. Click Properties.
  13. Click the Trace tab.
  14. Click Stop Trace.
  15. Click View Trace to view the trace file that you just created.
    Trace files can be viewed in Notepad or WordPad. This step helps ensure that you have indeed created a valid trace file. If the trace file is extremely short or does not appear to contain any valid data, try running another trace and compare the results.
Note: When E-mailing trace files for evaluation, please send them in their native format. Do not embed them in Word documents or change the file into any other format. Changing them makes it impossible for us to evaluate them properly.
Tip: If the trace files are very large, it’s okay to zip them up using a standard zipping utility like WinZip.