The File Properties property sheet controls the Rocket TE
TCP/IP Print Server's operating parameters. From the menu bar, click . The File Properties property sheet displays the Program and Options tabs.
Program tab
- Settings
- Enables customization of the Session Description. The text displays
left justified on the caption bar of the session main window.
- Session Description: A unique session description
can be entered that will display left justified on the session window’s
caption bar.
- Command Line Switches: Displays any command
line parameters used when launching the session.
- Program Group: Displays the name of the
program group where this program is installed.
- Installation Directory: Displays the installation
directory where this program is installed.
- Working Directory: Displays this programs
working directory.
- Global Configuration Lock: If enabled,
the global configuration lock option is active.
- Session Configuration Lock: If enabled,
the session configuration lock option is active.
Options tab
- Save
- Ask to save configuration settings on exit: If enabled then the user is prompted whether or not to save the
configuration settings on program shutdown.
- Always save configuration settings on exit: If enabled then the configuration settings are always saved on
program shutdown.
- Do not save configuration settings on exit: If enabled then the configuration settings are not saved on program
- Open / Save As
- File Description: This edit box configures
the text that displays in the Common File dialog, describing the type
of files to list.
- Default Extension: Limits the initial list
for the Common File dialog. The extension is limited to three characters.