Pass-through printing

The printer definition file contains ASCII control codes used to control several different ASCII printers directly, bypassing the Windows print driver. The Rocket TE Printer emulators convert SCS printer control commands to the selected ASCII printer control codes. This is not desirable if the printer data stream coming from the host is not SCS or does not contain SCS printer control commands, like ASCII Transparent Printing or iSeries Host Print Transform.

When to use

  • Use with LU3 DSC/DSE printer data streams where print data and embedded page control characters (LF, FF, CR) are converted from EBCDIC to ASCII then sent to the printer.
  • When using ASCII Transparent Printing
  • When using iSeries Host Print Transform

When not to use

  • Printing EBCDIC LU1 and LU4 SCS printer data streams where printer control commands sent by the host are converted to ASCII printer escape sequences.
  • Standard SCS printing to a 3812 or 3287 type printer emulator.

Required emulator settings

Settings required in the File:Print Setup property sheet necessary to properly configure the emulator for this feature.
  1. Click the Passthrough tab.
  2. Check the Send all Data Directly to the Printer check box.
  3. Clear the Use Printer Definition to Convert Formatting Commands to Printer Escapes check box. Checking this results in unpredictable behavior.
  4. Select a target printer, the Use default Windows Printer check box, or Print to File.

Ignored emulator settings

Settings that have no affect when the required settings are made are disabled.