Starting an ActiveX display control
Once you start your ActiveX Display control, you can customize it to suit your needs.
The Display control allows you to:
•  Copy text from the host screen using the Copy button located on the toolbar
•  Change the display font size
•  Change font and color display setting
•  View which keyboard commands are assigned to your keys
•  Print the contents of the session window
•  Configure and save individual Display session's properties into a separate file
•  Change your general connection and setting
These instructions assume that you have already connected to the Web Server.
To start the ActiveX Display control, follow these steps:
1. Click the Get Host Session button on the ActiveX Startup page. The ActiveX Display window opens. The Signon dialog box only opens when you aren't logged on to the NT domain as a trusted NT domain user.
The Signon dialog box is not the Unix sign on screen. It allows users to access the Server only. Sign on to the Unix computer using your regular Unix Sign on screen that opens later.
2. Enter your user name and password and press Enter. If the user name or the password is incorrect, the Signon dialog box reopens. If you close the Signon dialog box without entering a valid user name and password, the Connect button will be dimmed.
You must click the Signon button again to obtain the Signon dialog box and enter a valid user name and password.
3. Once you successfully sign on to the Server, the hosts's first screen opens.
4. If you want to sign on to the Server using another user name, follow these steps:
a. Right-click the session window and select Disconnect from the Session sub-menu or click the Disconnect button.
b. Right-click the session window and select Signon from the Session sub-menu or click the Signon button. The Signon dialog box opens.
c. Type your new user name and password and press Enter.
d. Right-click the session window and select Connect from the Session sub-menu or click the Connect button.
5. If you want to change your password, you must not be connected to the Unix host. If you aren't allowed to change your password, the Change Password button and the Change Password command will be disabled.
To change your password, follow these steps:
a. Right-click the session window and select Change Password from the Session sub-menu or click the Change Password button. The Change Password dialog box opens.
b. Type your old password in the Old Password field.
c. Type your new password in the New Password field and retype it in the Confirmation field to confirm its spelling.
d. Press Enter.
e. Once you have successfully changed your password, it is required on your next sign on.
6. If you want to open more Display sessions, click the Get Host Session button on the ActiveX Startup page. You can launch as many Display sessions as the session limit allows. The session limit is defined in your client configuration or by the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed by license; whichever limit you reach first.
Do not use the Refresh button on the browser window to refresh the information on the display window. This causes the current session to disconnect.
7. Click the About button or select About from the Help sub-menu to see information on the ActiveX Display control. This button provides you with information on the:
•  client operation system
•  version of the ActiveX display
•  version of the Server it's connected to
•  build date
•  emulation type
8. Click the Local Print Screen button to print the contents of the Display control screen.
9. You should always log off from the Unix system and disconnect the session before you closing your Display session (your browser). This prevents leaving the host session in an unresolved state. Click the Disconnect button to disconnect the Display session.
10. Select CLOSE from the browser's File menu to close it.
11. The Data Encrypted button on appears on the ActiveX Display toolbar when this option is enabled in the Cluster properties.
You cannot toggle it off from the ActiveX Display window.