This technical reference describes the free form text that may be entered into the custom file type parameters input field for file transfer options. The valid text that may be entered depends on the file transfer operation (either Send or Receive) and the mainframe operating system (either CICS, MVS/TSO or VM/CMS). These file transfer parameters are discussed in the following sections:
Depending upon which IBM host system you use, one of the following IBM host-supported file transfer programs must be installed at your host site. The Options tab on the File Transfer dialog box is used to configure the mainframe operating system and the file transfer program name.
MVS/TSO Mainframe
Operating System
IBM 3270-PC File Transfer Program Release 1 (5665-311)
At the TSO command level, type: IND$FILE. If the program is not installed, you will receive the message: [IKJ56500I] COMMAND IND$FILE NOT FOUND
VM/CMS Mainframe
Operating System
IBM 3270-PC File Transfer Program Release 1 (5664-281)
The installation and support of the IBM host-supported file transfer programs is outside the scope of this documentation. A quick way to determine if the IBM file transfer product is installed on your host, is to do the following: In the CMS environment, type: IND$FILE. If the program is not installed, you will receive the message: UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND
CICS Mainframe
Operating System
Ask your systems administrator if the IBM IND$FILE host file transfer program
is installed.
Send parameters are optional and are passed as parameters to the host IND$FILE program. The following parameters are valid for the VM/CMS send file transfer operation. When using the following parameters, an open parenthesis character "(" must precede the actual parameter string and a close parenthesis character “)” should follow the parameter string, as in the following example:
If the PC file consists of character data only, specify ASCII. This will
cause the translation of all graphic and control characters from ASCII
to EBCDIC during the transfer so that it is usable on the host computer.
Following the convention for ASCII text files, <CR> <LF> pairs
are used to terminate records in the PC file, and a CTRL-Z (x'1A') marks
the end of file. If the PC file consists of data other than text such
as binary format data, do not specify either ASCII or CRLF.
If the CMS file already exists and is not empty, APPEND specifies that
the contents of the PC file are to be appended to the file.
Specifies the record format of the CMS file. Replace x with either F, V,
or U. F specifies that the data set contains fixed length records. V specifies
that the data set contains variable length records. U specifies that the
data set contains undefined length records. For existing CMS files the
default value is the record format of the CMS file.
Specifies the logical record length n for a CMS file consisting of fixed
length records or the maximum logical record length for a CMS file consisting
of variable length records. Values permitted are 1 to 32760. For new CMS
files the default value is 80. This parameter is ignored if APPEND is
specified. For CMS files consisting of variable length records, the actual
logical record length (i.e., the value stored in the Data Set Control
Block) following the file transfer is set to the minimum of the value
of LRECL and the longest record in the CMS file.
Receive parameters are optional and are passed as parameters to the host IND$FILE program. When using the following parameters, an open parenthesis character "(" must precede the actual parameter string. The close parenthesis character ")" must terminate the parameter string. The following parameters are valid for the VM/CMS receive file transfer operation:
APPEND specifies that if the file exists, the CMS file contents are to
be appended to it. Unless APPEND is specified, the PC file is replaced
by the contents of the CMS file.
If the CMS file consists of character data only, specify ASCII. This will
cause the translation of all graphic and control characters from ASCII
to EBCDIC during the transfer.
Following the convention for ASCII text files, <CR> <LF> pairs
are used to terminate records in the PC file, and a CTRL-Z (x'1A') marks
the end of file.
Send parameters are optional and are passed as parameters to the host IND$FILE program. The following parameters are valid for the MVS/TSO send file transfer operation:
If the PC file consists of character data only, specify ASCII. This will
cause the translation of all graphic and control characters from ASCII
to EBCDIC during the transfer.
Following the convention for ASCII text files, <CR> <LF> pairs
are used to terminate records in the PC file, and a CTRL-Z (x'1A') marks
the end of file. If the PC file consists of data other than text, such
as binary format data, do not specify either ASCII or CRLF.
If the data set already exists and is not empty, APPEND specifies that
the contents of the PC file are to be appended to the data set. APPEND
cannot be specified for members of a partitioned data set.
Specifies the record format of the data set. Replace x with either F, V,
or U. F specifies that the data set contains fixed length records. V specifies
that the data set contains variable length records. U specifies that the
data set contains undefined length records. For existing data sets, the
default value is the existing record format.
Specifies the logical record length (n) for a data set consisting of fixed
length records or the maximum logical record length for a data set consisting
of variable length records. Values permitted are 1 to 32760. For new data
sets the default value is 80. This parameter is ignored if APPEND is specified.
For data sets consisting of variable length records, the actual logical
record length (i.e. the value stored in the Data Set Control Block) following
the file transfer is set to the minimum of the value of LRECL and the
longest record in the data set.
Specifies the block size (n) for a new data set. For data sets containing
fixed-length records, the block size must be a multiple of the record
length. For data sets containing variable-length records, the block size
must be greater than or equal to the record length plus four bytes. The
block size must not exceed the track length of the device on which the
data set resides. The block size must also not exceed 32,760 bytes. The
default value is 3120. This parameter is ignored if the data set already
Specifies the amount of disk space to be allocated for a new data set.
If the SPACE parameter is used, you can use one of the three following
options to specify the units used for quantity and increment:
Receive parameters are optional and are passed as parameters to the host IND$FILE program. When using the following positional parameters, care should be taken to include the "(" open parenthesis character and ")" parentheses character in describing RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE as denoted in the following example:
In the MVS/TSO, Receive Parameters include the following:
The following parameters are valid for the MVS/TSO receive file transfer operation:
If the PC file consists of character data only, specify ASCII. This will
cause the translation of all graphic and control characters from EBCDIC
to ASCII during the transfer.
Following the convention for ASCII text files, <CR> <LF> pairs
are used to terminate records in the PC file, and a CTRL-Z (x'1A') marks
the end of file. If the PC file consists of data other than text, such
as binary format data, do not specify either ASCII or CRLF.
If the data set already exists and is not empty, APPEND specifies that
the contents of the Mainframe file are to be appended to the data set.
APPEND cannot be specified for members of a partitioned data set.
Specifies the record format of the data set. REplace x with either F, V,
or U. F specifies that the data set contains fixed length records. V specifies
that the data set contains variable length records. U specifies that the
data set contains undefined length records. For existing data sets, the
default value is the existing record format.
Specifies the logical record length (n) for a data set consisting of fixed
length records or the maixmum logical record length for a data set consisting
of variable length records. Values permitted at 1 to 32760. For new data
sets, the default value is 80. This parameter is ignored if APPEND is
specified. For data sets consisting of variable-length records, the actual
logical record length (i.e., the value stored in the Data Set Control
Block) following the file transfer, is set to the minimum of the value
of LRECL and the longest record in the data set.
Specifies the block size (n) of the dat set. For data sets containing fixed-length
records, the block size must be a multiple of the record length. For data
sets containing variable-length records, the block size must be greater
than or equal to the record length plus four bytes. The block size must
not exceed the track length of the device on which the data set resides.
The block size must also not exceed 32,760 bytes. The default value is
Send parameters are optional and are passed as parameters to the host IND$FILE program. The following parameters are valid for the CICS send file transfer operation:
If the PC file consists of character data only, specify ASCII. This will
cause the translation of all graphic and control characters from ASCII
to EBCDIC during the transfer so that it is usable on the host computer.
If the PC file consists of binary data, specify BINARY.
Following the convention for ASCII text files, <CR> <LF> pairs
are used to terminate records in the PC file, and a CTRL-Z (x'1A') marks
the end of file. CRLF is a default option.
Do not use <CR> <LF> pairs to terminate records in the CICS
Receive parameters are optional and are passed as parameters to the host IND$FILE program. The following parameters are valid for the CICS receive file transfer operation:
APPEND specifies that if the PC file exists, the CICS file contents are
to be appended to it. Unless APPEND is specified, the PC file is replaced
by the contents of the CICS file.
If the CICS file consists of character data only, specify ASCII. This will
cause the translation of all graphic and control characters from ASCII
to EBCDIC during the transfer.
If the PC file consists of binary data, specify BINARY.
Following the convention for ASCII text files, <CR> <LF> pairs
are used to terminate records in the PC file, and a CTRL-Z (x'1A') marks
the end of file.
Do not use <CR> <LF> pairs to terminate records in the PC file.
TRANS00 - Error
in file transfer: file transfer canceled
An error occurred in the file transfer, which may be an error in the data
being transferred, or an unidentified system error.
TRANS03 - File
transfer complete
The file transfer operation has been successfully completed.
TRANS04 - File
transfer complete with records segmented
The file transfer operation has been completed, and any record greater
than the logical record length (LRECL) of the file being appended has
been divided and becomes multiple records.
TRANS05 - Personal
computer filespec incorrect: file transfer canceled
An error exists in the PC's file name.
TRANS06 - Command
incomplete: file transfer canceled
You did not enter the required parameters after a SEND or RECEIVE command.
TRANS13 - Error
writing file to host: file transfer canceled
The host program has detected an error in the file data during a RECEIVE
TRANS14 - Error
reading file from host: file transfer canceled
The host program has detected an error in the file data during a RECEIVE
TRANS15 - Required
host storage unavailable: file transfer canceled
You need 30 KB of main storage (not disk space) on the host for the file
transfer, in addition to the host requirement.
TRANS16 - Incorrect
request code: file transfer canceled
An invalid SEND or RECEIVE parameter was sent to the host.
TRANS17 - Missing
or incorrect TSO data set name: file transfer canceled
You did not specify the TSO data set name, or the specified TSO data set
name is not a sequential or partitioned data set.
TRANS17 - Invalid
file name: file transfer canceled
The command that started the file transfer specified a file name that is
not a valid file name for the host. Correct CICS file names must be 1
to 8 characters, composed of letters and numbers.
TRANS17 - Missing
or incorrect CMS data set name: file transfer canceled
You did not specify the CMS data set name, or the specified CMS data set
name is incorrect.
TRANS18 - Incorrect
option specified: file transfer canceled
You specified an option that is invalid.
TRANS19 - Error
while reading or writing to host disk: file transfer canceled
There is not enough space available for data on the host.
TRANS28 - Invalid
option xxxxxxxx: file transfer canceled
You selected an option that is either not recognized, is specified as a
positional keyword, or has an associated value that is incorrect.
TRANS29 - Invalid
option xxxxxxxx with RECEIVE: file transfer canceled
You selected an option that is not valid with RECEIVE, but can be used
with SEND.
TRANS30 - Invalid
option xxxxxxxx with APPEND: file transfer canceled
You selected an option that is not valid with APPEND, but otherwise may
be used.
TRANS31 - Invalid
option xxxxxxxx without SPACE: file transfer canceled
You selected an option that can only be used if SPACE is also specified.
TRANS32 - Invalid
option xxxxxxxx with PDS: file transfer canceled
You selected an option that is invalid with a host-partitioned data set.
TRANS33 - Only
one of TRACKS, CYLINDERS, AVBLOCK allowed: file transfer canceled
SPACE can be specified in units of TRACKS, CYLINDERS, or AVBLOCK, and only
one option can be used.
file not found: file transfer canceled
You did not specify an existing CMS file for RECEIVE.
disk is read-only: file transfer canceled
You specified a CMS file mode for the SEND key that does not allow write
disk is not accessed: file transfer canceled
You specified a CMS file mode that is not in the CMS search order.
disk is full: file transfer canceled
The CMS disk is full, or the maximum number of files on the minidisk (3400)
has been reached, or the maximum number of data blocks per file (16060)
has been reached.
TRANS99 - Host program
error code xxxxxxxxxx: file transfer canceled
This is a host program error.